Trusts & Estates

Most middle class people are surprised at the size of the estate they will leave loved ones at their death. Most consider themselves “comfortable” but not rich! Yet, when you add the value of your home with the amount of your retirement plan assets and your life insurance, the number can get quite large. This is because one event, your death, has gathered all the financial resources you planned to use through your retirement into one sum to be distributed to your loved ones. Why is it then that most people spend more time researching the purchase of an automobile than they do planning who gets it when they die?

Our firm views an Estate Plan in a comprehensive way; involving the Will or Living Trust itself, Health Care Proxies, Powers of Attorneys and beneficiary designations. We strive to provide our clients with the tools that will assist them not only in the event of the death of a loved one but also in the more likely event of their incapacity. We advise clients that the bulk of their Estate may pass outside their Will and counsel them to pay close attention to beneficiary designations and title to assets. After all, the bulk of a client’s Estate is likely to involve life insurance and retirement plan assets which pass by beneficiary designation, not under their Will. The Firm is proud of its record of completing the Estate Planning process for each client on an efficient time line so that this important aspect of their life is safely accounted for.

The attorneys of the Firm have experience and have practiced in a number of Probate Courts through out New York State. Mr. Gray is assisted by the Estate Department’s legal assistant, Pamela Lyon, which insures that each client’s matter is efficiently and effectively attended to throughout the entire Estate Administration process. The Firm’s takes a practical approach and strives to work collaboratively with the Executor and all the beneficiaries of the Estate to minimize time in Court and the length of time the Estate remains open. The Firm will undertake as much or as little of the administrative function of the Estate as the Executor is comfortable with: from maintaining the Estate checking account and paying all the Estate’s bills to having the Executor assume those duties.

Our Firm’s priority is to develop a plan to fit each client’s unique family needs regarding estate, tax and retirement planning. Its focus on quality service insures legal advice and representation which meets its client’s individual needs. The size of our Firm and the energy and “hands on” attitude of its attorneys differentiate us from larger firms. Our attorneys will gladly meet the family and client at home or other locations if the client cannot travel to our offices. Our offices are located in a newly renovated building that is completely handicap accessible, and in a safe, suburban location with ample free parking.

My call to action title sample

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